Thursday 11 October 2012

Age Certificates : bbfc

File:BBFC Logo.svg is the British Board of Film Classification and what this organization does is observe films and state them with suitable certificates depending on the content of the film and what age groups the film is targeted at. This covers all aspects to the films different age groups can legally view or even be the right age to purchase the film. 

Regarding the film industry BBFC takes a major stand in how they allow films to be viewed to the public, this is very important as the analysis' they make on films have to be correct otherwise it could cause problems with the people that view the film. If the BBFC didn't take any part in this young children would be watching unsuitable films which could affect their mental health as the things they watch is not made for their age group. 

Age certificates are there to consider who watches what in the sense that if everyone is watching things that are suitable for them then it doesn't affect people in the the wrong way, but things will be how they are suited. Overall it is obvious that these regulations are put in place to keep film watchers and other associates safe while they view films.

The Ratings are UC , U , PG , 12 A , 12 , 15 ,18 and R 18 which is not mainly public.


 Universal is the beginning  off the age certificates as all content in Universal rated films contain nothing unsuitable for children, they are perfectly suited for anyone of any age group to view.

Toy Story 2 is a U rated film aimed at children.


Parental Guidance is emitted to a Film even though it is suitable to any age group. it may contain mild Language or even Sex/Drug references. Can contain violence to a certain extent if justified. A parent may need to accompany a child while watching this due to its mild extremities. 

Paranorman is a PG rated film.


12 A is cinema only and was introduced in 2002. Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult aged at least 18 or over, at all times. may contain variations of mild language, violence or sexual content for this rating.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two is a 12 A rated film.

               12 is Home media only since 2002. No body under 12 can purchase any film or game rated 12, content guidelines are the same which apply to 12 A. If not aged 12 or over a person cannot buy or rent any disc/home media. As this is only home media it does not apply to the 12 A rating which is obliged to a cinema.

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen is a 12  rated film.

1515 rated films can not be bought or rented unless 15 years of age or over, even to watch it in the cinema you need to be of correct age. May contain strong language and some content of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references. Sexual content and nudity may be included without any strong detail.

Resident Evil: Afterlife is a 15 rated film.

1818 rated films have no limitation to bad language used. Hard drug use is generally content along with explicit sex references.Very strong, gory, and/or sadistic violence is usually permitted. Strong sexual violence is permitted. Strong sexual violence is permitted unless it is erotic or excessively graphic. 

Jackass 3 is an 18 rated film.

Restricted 18 rated movies can only be shown at a licensed adult cinema or sex shop and only to adults who are aged 18 or over. Mainly contains strong explicit sexual content. Generally Pornographic material in most cases and only sold if licensed

My Thriller Opening Scene 

I would film my thriller opening scene so it is suitable for 15 and over. mainly 15 would work best as the content that is going to be included in the movie and it is content that will work best with a thriller movie. If i used 12 rated content i would not be able to fully justify the codes and conventions of a thriller. So overall 15 would be the best as i would be able to portray the codes and conventions of a thriller in a better stance than if it were any other rating.

1 comment:

  1. You have defined each age certificate well and you have also started to consider an example to support the points that you are making.

    To make this post more detailed you need to refer to more detail to explain how that particular film belongs to that age category by considering the characters, plots and narratives
