Monday 19 November 2012

Group Mise-en-Scene

Mise-en-Scene Group
The purpose of this is to create the right image of a camera shot and it is a very convenient way to portray conventions of a Thriller. It helps construct every part of a film in order for it to contain the right elements needed.The different categories we need to follow in order to have a successful thriller are:
Body language/expressions
Positioning of character(s)

There will be three main light sources. There will be light from outside which will be the backlighting. The lamps will be used as main light as to keep the room dark enough to keep to the common conventions to thriller films. The filler lighting will be a combination of different light all over the house and will be used antagonistically. We will use the fridge light to fill the lighting in the kitchen whereas the backlighting in the living room will be a lamppost and a dim flood light to just increase the power of the lamp post. These lights are very slight so will not be very obvious but will give us the slight bit of light needed. We will use low key lighting to keep to the common conventions to a 'typical' thriller film. This is to create shadows so the characters look intimidating and allow the audience to see what is not directly in the camera shot. We will use lighting to make the scene bright enough for the raw footage to be clear enough, so then for editing we will be able to edit to clip so it is low-key lighting which is conventional for a thriller film. The low-key lighting in the movie gives it a dark colour which reflects on the emotions of the character to show dark events are going to take place within the sustained amount of time.
Costume Design
For the victim, we want to make her as vulnerable as possible so we have given the character a costume of casual home clothing such as pyjamas to aid the fact that she is taken by surprise. This shows that she weak and that the killers unexpected arrival has confused her and taken her by surprise. The killers will be dressed all in black whilst there faces will be hidden with the use of a gas mask. This is to put fear and an unsolved identity so that the victim does not know who they are and what they are doing. This is important to the conventions of a thriller because it shows that they want to be seen but not identified so that the audience is suspicious into who it is.The hidden identity is the code of enigma which is a good convention as it is mysterious to the audience  which is a very good way to build up tension for the audience as the question of identity will always be there to portray the convention. The home clothing that the victim is wearing is a good way to for surprise as she isn't prepared for what is going to take place which makes it tense for the audience to view as she is attacked out of nowhere.  
For the props we will be using a small range; a phone, a door, a glass, a fridge, and masks. we are going to use all of these because each plays a part in what the killer is doing. as the door and the phone are going to tell the audience that something is going to happen to the character because you know that there is a killer in the house and outside. the cup of water is the excuse for the lady to get out of bed which then leads into the rest of the story and finally the masks are for the killers to hide there faces and to add a fear affect to them. The significance of using the phone will be to break the suspense as its building up, then the unexpected phone bell makes the audience question who it may be but obviously there is not going to be anyone who picks the phone up causing the victim to feel fear. We will not give our villains weapons or any sort of item to inflict violence with because in common conventions the villain always has a weapon of any kind and we think that our villain will look weak if he has the weapon so without one it makes his actions unpredictable and deadly.
Body Language/ Facial Expressions
The body language of the victim will first of all be calm and tired. She will seem distraught and numb throughout the narrative as she has just woken from a drastic nightmare so she will not be in any other mood. There will be a sense of confusion on her face by the first time she believes she got a glimpse of the masked man and this puts her on edge for all she knows somebody could be in the house. As the clip goes on she becomes tense and wiry and her facial expressions shows fear and confusion. Then finally towards the end she is all but shocked surprisingly that these events are actually happening to her. she will be viewed as petrified and all her body language shows this. whilst all this is happening the killer looks like he is under control and is calm but we cannot tell what kind of emotions he is under because we cannot see any facial features or physicall giveaways that show what he is feeling.
Character Positioning
We will position the characters all through the scenes, in the bedroom you notice Yeliz is always right up to the camera showing that she is the victim and the killer is a mid range to a long range to the camera showing the he is the killer because you can always see what he I doing. There is dramatic irony as the audience see the masked man but never does Yeliz actually know someone is there until she really sees him, up till then she only thinks she saw someone which makes her very tenses. the masked villain will always be a set distance away from Yeliz until he actually comes in for an attack, the barrier between them will build tension as the audience know he is there but do not know when he is actually going to take any sort of action towards Yeliz.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining how mise-en-scene will be used within your production. You have considered the different points, but further discussion is needed on the conventions to show further understanding of the task.
