Thursday 22 November 2012

Opening Credits


These are the credits at the start of a film or programme that introduce the important roles, or in some cases the most famous actor/actress, these noted roles consist of director, writer and main actors. The opening credits can be shown in several different ways, but usually they are shown with a background soundtrack/audiomusic and an opening of a scene or piece of the film. This piece of film usually sets the scene to the movie and gives the audience a foundation of the movie.

There are no specific colours used, mainly dull lighting and shadows are present. Some of the colours used are pale and have no attraction to them, also everything in the scene is dirty and does not look appealing. When there is a close up lighting becomes high but when there camera is showing    images    on screen low-key lighting is used even when a blank dark screen comes up it shows the credits with the dark background. I think the black colours represent enigma at the start because we only see a pair of hands and the black colours that phase in between every shot creates a mystery based on what he is attempting to do. The white also shows innocence while it contrasts to the black colours, also the white credits on the black background shows that what he is doing contains a mystery.

The style of the credits in the film uses intense music that builds up tension as the credits play along. The credits do not come up in a certain pattern that matches the others, eat item of text is presented at a random view every time. If they were made to look neat every time it wouldn't present the thriller based upon its contents. The scruffy looking credits show that careless events are going to take place in this movie

Order of Appearance

Production Company
Title of film
Actors continued
Camera Operator


The colours present in this style of crediting is very dull at first. Its is with low key lighting that a woman's face is the camera shot and the writing present in the credits is stroked letters with a transparent fill showing the woman's face through the text. 
Also the black and white turns into a wine red filter which still doesn't show any colours but adds fear to the woman's face. When the screen becomes black and these abstract beams of light start to move around in the air it only creates mystery through the convention of enigma. The music used alongside it is classical music which seems to intensify as the credits play along on the screen.

Order of Credit Appearance

Production Company
Title of film
Actors continued
Based on
Director of photography
Technicolor colour consultant
Art director
Special photography
Process photography
Title designed by:
Assistant director
Hair stylist
Sound recorder
Special Sequences
Conducted by
Associate producer

Our Thriller Credits

For our thriller credits we wanted to have original credits, we all came up with the idea of having the our credits embedded into our footage, making it look more mysterious and different.

Order the credits appear:

Production company: MultiMixedMedia
Director: Arthur
Actor: Sam
Camera Operator: Arthur and Orcun
Actors: Yel and Harry
Location Manager: Harry
Editors: Sam, Harry, Orcun and Arthur
Producer: Sam
Director: Arthur
Title of film: The Unexpected

Colours of font: Black with white stoke. or White with black stoke.


Face Your Fears (

Group Analysis and Ideas

As a group we have discussed the different credits and which ones we liked and preferred. We like the used of motion tracking in other opening credits that we have seen and we also like the idea of white text on the background but with a glow like it would be a light. An example of this is

But we want it to be white or more suitable colours. we want them to be gloomy and dark or at least the rest of the shot to be dim white a bright white text. one of the fonts that we liked we saw when we were watching a YouTube video, the font is called optic and it has sharp edges that resemble a knife. this font was obtained from

Another font that we liked was called face your fears and this was also from this style looks like it is blood painted onto something which shows death and this is the font that we will be using. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why opening credits are important to a production. You have considered two films and you have also started to consider your own choices too.

    To make this post more detailed you need to explain how your chosen style of font will help to make your production conventional
